Far Cry New Dawn: Take the package - HMS MacCoubrey - Level 3

From Orcz
Take the package is an objective in Far Cry New Dawn (FCND).

Take the package is an objective in the Expedition, HMS MacCoubrey - Level 3 in Far Cry New Dawn


  • Inside the cargo hold, you can see the package sitting in the Northwestern section, on a workbench surrounded by the 4 Highwaymen.
  • Start by taking out the Highwaymen by the Eastern side of the jet first.
  • After that, go to the Eastern side of the Jet and eliminate the Highwaymen there.
  • Now, head to the final pair by the Package itself.
  • Get the first with a Takedown and attempt to get the second Highwayman with a Sidearm takedown.
  • Now, look to the table and collect the package itself.
