Blockbuster Challenges in Fortnite BR.

The Blockbuster Challenges are part of the Season 4 Battle Pass in Fortnite Battle Royale.

Each challenge involves completing ALL of the Weekly Challenges for any single week. This rewards you with an exclusive loading screen.

Also, every time you unlock a Blockbuster Challenge you can find a Free Battlestar on the map that will advance you one whole Tier. The clue to the location of the secret battlestar can be found in the loading screen image that you just unlocked. See table below to help you locate all the free stars.

Blockbuster Loading Screens

Challenge Reward Free Tier
Complete all challenges in any week
Complete all challenges from any 2 different weeks
Complete all challenges from any 3 different weeks
Complete all challenges from any 4 different weeks
Complete all challenges from any 5 different weeks
Complete all challenges from any 6 different weeks
Complete all challenges from any 7 different weeks


  • Completing all 7 of the Blockbuster challenges earns you a mystery legendary skin.
    • This skin has been revealed to be "The Visitor".
    • Obviously, the soonest you can unlock this legendary mystery skin is at week 7.