The following Vending Machines can be found in or near Moisty Mire in Fortnite Battle Royale:

Gas Station

Besides a gas station northern at entrance to Moisty Mire:

FortniteBattleRoyaleVendingMachinesMoistyMire.jpg FortniteBattleRoyaleVendingMachinesMoistyMire2.jpg

Northwest Bridge

Near a structure at the bridge NW of Moisty Mire:

FortniteBattleRoyaleVendingMachinesMoistyMire3.jpg FortniteBattleRoyaleVendingMachinesMoistyMire4.jpg

Southwest Truck

Next to a truck southwest area of Moisty Mire:

FortniteBattleRoyaleVendingMachinesMoistyMire5.jpg FortniteBattleRoyaleVendingMachinesMoistyMire6.jpg

Southeast Cabin

Outside a wooden cabin at the SE area of Moisty Mire:

FortniteBattleRoyaleVendingMachinesMoistyMire7.jpg FortniteBattleRoyaleVendingMachinesMoistyMire8.jpg

Tree Trunk

Inside the trunk of a big tree at the eastern part of Moisty Mire:

FortniteBattleRoyaleVendingMachinesMoistyMire9.jpg FortniteBattleRoyaleVendingMachinesMoistyMire10.jpg

All Vending Machine Locations


See also