Fortnite Battle Royale: Ring the doorbell of a house with an opponent inside

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Ring the doorbell of a house with an opponent inside in Fortnite BR.

"Ring the doorbell of a house with an opponent inside (hard)" is a Weekly Challenge in Fortnite Battle Royale.

For this challenge, you have to ring the doorbells of 5 houses while an opponent is inside those house.


Go to the front door of houses where you think an opponent might be inside, and ring the doorbell.

Doorbell locations[edit]

Most houses in Fortnite have doorbells next to the front door.


Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • Some houses, especially smaller ones, might not have doorbells.
  • Land in a town where other players are landing and ring the doorbell of any house you see players going into for loot.
    • Alternatively, you can just ring the doorbell of all houses and if you are lucky there was an enemy inside.
  • Locations such as Pleasant Park or Greasy Grove, which have a lot of homes, are ideal candidates for this challenge.