
Samudai is a arena action game currently being developed by Geek Sloth Games and awaiting Greenlight.

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Samudai is local 2D versus game where gameplay is inspired by games such as Super Smash Brothers whereas you don't defeat your opponent by hitting but rather outmaneuver him to either knock him off the stage or into hazards. The objective is to keep going forward, facing your opponent through multiple dynamic stages which will culminate in a final battle with the losing player turning into a Boss.


Samudai is still very much in development and additions and improvement will be made.


Samudai is currently planned for pc and awaiting Greenlight.


Hiro Akuto Kiyomi Arashi



Samudai is a 2D brawler set in a distant realm.

Every ten Thousand years the Gods wage war for the possesion of the Holy Ball of Yarn. Chosing skilled warriors to represent them, these Samudai are strengthend by the gods and given power over the elements. To reach the Holy Ball of Yarn the Samudai must fight each other throughout different unique stages to ultimatly face their biggest threath, claim the Holy Ball of Yarn and settle the balance between good and evil.


Screenshot orcz1.png

Screenshot orcz2.png