A Fire in SimCity V

Fires have had a long history of burning down major cities, and if you’re not too careful, a fire can really do a number on yours. The risk of a fire breaking out grows as your city expands. To stop the spread of fire across your city, build a Fire Station.

Select your preferred Fire Station from the menu and move your cursor over the map. As you survey a suitable location, the roads around your building cursor are highlighted to indicate the Fire Station's coverage area. Once you are satisfied with the location, left-click to place the building.

A single Fire Station can only protect a limited area, so improve coverage by adding more garages, or upgrade your services with a Large Fire Station. As your coverage grows, your fire services can even provide limited coverage to neighboring cities.

What Increases Risk of Fire

Industrial Buildings

Abandoned Buildings

Rubbled Buildings

Accumulated Garbage

Fire Stats

Use the Fire menu’s Info tab to view information that can help prevent or prepare you for a major fire. View the number of extinguished fires, the number of fire trucks at the station, and how many Simoleons your system is costing per hour.

Fire Map

While on the Fire menu, use the Data Maps tab to open the Fire Risk data layer.

Fire Risk

Displays what locations are at the biggest risk of fire and keeps track of past fire events.