The Headstone at the Guidance Bridge area in Absolver

The Headstone (or "map stone") is an object in Absolver.


  • The Headstone has a map that shows you the locations of the remaining targets you have to kill before you can become an Absolver

Headstone Locations[edit]

Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • The targets marked on the map, which you have to kill when you first encounter the stone, are:
    • Kuretz in the Coliseum
    • Kilnor and her brother Cargal in the old bird house
    • The six Marked Ones roaming the City and the Fores
    • Risryn in the Hanging Gardens of the Tower of Adal.
  • When you rest at one of those shrines (Altars) the map comes up and you are a little green dot on it. That can help you find all the targets without you having to go back all the way to the Headstone.

See also[edit]