"The Anchorhold Dead Claptrap" is a Collectible in Borderlands 3.

"The Anchorhold" has a Dead Claptrap in Borderlands 3


Salvage a Singing Module

Salvage parts from decommissioned Claptrap units to help Claptrap build a friend.



  • Head across the bridge into the Anchorhold.
  • Once there, make your way over to the Northwest where you can see a set of stairs.
  • Take those stairs upward to the first wall.
  • Climb up the crates in front of the wall to get on top of it.
  • Here you will find a piano and in front of it, a Claptrap.
  • Interact with the Claptrap to collect the part you are after.

Video Walkthrough[edit]

The Anchorhold Dead Claptrap Video Walkthrough