Open chute is an objective in the Story Mission, Space-Laser Tag in Borderlands 3
- Head to the Southwest from the thruster you just shut down.
- Start for the ramp leading to the now open door to the West.
- As you are going through the door though, you will encounter a few more COV: Psycho, Tink, and a Fanatic.
- This will lead you into the Tritanium Refinery.
- You need to open the chute in the middle of this area to continue forward.
- You will encounter more COV: Shotgun Tinks, and Fanatics.
- Fight through to the West and go to the crates on the Southwestern side of the area.
- Climb up onto the crates and turn to the Northeast and jump onto the rock ledges there.
- Use the ledges to climb up onto the walkway above.
- Go over to the Northeast from here to the nearby lever overlooking the pit.
- Use the lever to open the chute below you.