This page has the Noe Rajee Puzzle Solution.

The Four Winds Trial is a Trial in the game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

This page has the walkthrough/solution to the Four Winds Puzzle.


Recommended Runes[edit]



  • Go forward, you will see a crystal switch in front of you.
  • Strike it with a bomb, arrow or thrown weapon.
  • This will activate the turbine in front of the crystal.
  • The first updraft will be created from this.
  • Take that updraft up to the height of it where you will see the rest of the trial.
  • There are numerous sections to the massive rotating column in the middle of the room.
  • Each of the 4 sections has its own Crystal Switch that will activate one of the turbines, creating an updraft.
  • Only when all 4 are active can you get up to the very top.

  • What to do depends on each section of the column you are working on.

  • The barred in crystal switch, sitting high is deceptively simple to manage.
  • While it looks like there is a passage leading in to strike the switch, it will be a ranged solution to trigger it.
  • Use a ranged bow if you are still on the starting platform or a normal bow if you are in the updrafts or on a closer platform.
  • Fire an arrow at the crystal switch.
  • The arrow will fly between the bars and hit the switch, activating its turbine.

  • The flat side with the breakable stone has 2 solutions, both of which involve explosions.
  • The easiest way is to use a bow and a fire a bomb arrow at the stone to break it open.
  • Switch arrow types and hit the crystal within.
  • The second way is to use the updraft on either side of the platform you land on.
  • Use those Updrafts to each one of the platforms that dot the area around the rotating column.
  • Line yourself up with the updrafts heading toward the center of the room.
  • Use the Sheikah Slate to pull out either Remote Bomb.
  • Throw the bomb toward the column get a sense of the travel time.
  • When you see the stone section coming toward you, throw the Remote Bomb and detonate as it comes against the column and the breakable blocks.
  • Rush toward the opening and use your bow and arrow to hit the switch and activate that turbine.

  • Another simple section is the one with the large opening closer to the bottom of the column.
  • Glide over into the opening.
  • This will bring Link into another Updraft that will bring him up inside the column.
  • At the top of the Updraft you will find a crystal switch.
  • Strike the switch with an arrow to activate the turbine for this section.
  • Drop down carefully using the paraglider.
  • Make your way back to any of the platforms around the area.

  • One section has a Wind Switch on the outside
  • While it is active, the crystal switch inside is revealed.
  • Get into the one of the updrafts outside the central column.
  • Watch for that section to spin around to you.
  • In the updraft, drop toward the opened gate.
  • Fire an arrow inside to strike the crystal switch and activate the turbine on top of it.

  • Get to the turbine on top of the column at its most accessible point (above the Wind Switch).
  • Use the 4 activated turbines to reach the top of the rotating column.
  • Look opposite to the Monk's chamber.
  • You will see another column.
  • Use the updraft at the top of the column to gain the height you need to sail toward it.
  • Go around to the back side of the column and into the opening there.
  • Ride this wind current upwards to reach the only chest in this shrine.
  • Open the chest and claim the Shield of the Mind's Eye.
  • With that in hand, glide over to the rotating central column.

  • Once again, use the updraft at the top of the central column to get at most height you can.
  • Use that to reach the Monk and complete the trial.
  • Climb the stairs and interact with the Monk Noe Rajee.

Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

Video Walkthrough[edit]

Four Winds Trial Video Walkthrough

Shrines of Trials Puzzles[edit]