Catch a Tyger's Toe is a Mission in Cyberpunk 2077 (Cyberpunk2077).

Catch a Tyger's Toe is a Gig in Cyberpunk 2077.


Gig type: Agent Saboteur

Objective: Upload b@d’s malware

Location: Megabuilding H11

b@d got in touch with me. They like short nicknames and simple gigs, so I’ll spare you the fixer spiel and get right to the point.

You’ll find b@d’s malware attached to this message. You have to download it (just be careful – it’s hella dangerous) and then upload it to the subnet in the H11 megabuilding. Piece o’ cake, right? Sorry to burst your bubble, but you’ll have Tygers on the prowl.

b@d’s plan is to attack some Arasaka subnet and use H11 as a smokescreen. Clever, right? Instead of leading to them, all traces of b@d’s breach’ll lead right back to the megabuilding.

FYI, our netrunner already hacked the megabulding elevator, so getting into the server room won’t be a problem.

  • Requires Street Cred 1





  • $1160
  • 177 XP
  • 398 Street Cred

Video Walkthrough[edit]

Catch a Tyger's Toe Video Walkthrough