MIA is a Mission in Cyberpunk 2077 (Cyberpunk2077).

MIA is a Gig in Cyberpunk 2077.


  • Gig Type: SOS Merc Needed
  • Details:

A fixer’s worth no more and no less than their last promise. And I promised Benedict McAdams that I’d get him out of town once he checked off a job for me. Benedict’s one devil of a pro. Just six hours in of taking the job and Councilman McClean’s heart beat for the last time – that fat irish fish I’d had dangling on my line too long. The risk of a slip-up was high, so before he set to it, Benedict installed a GPS in his biomon so I could have an eye in the sky on him, as it were. This slickster didn’t work alone, mind you – had a driver, Jason Wildriver. The problem is, instead of hauling quick across the border, Jason went off route. Something here stinks worse than McClean’s fishy corpse. Find them and bring me Benedict. I’ll find him a new driver.





  • €8580
  • 565 xp
  • 1270 Street Cred

Video Walkthrough[edit]

MIA Video Walkthrough