Clear Marion Forks of Rippers is an objective in Days Gone (DaysGone).

Clear Marion Forks of Rippers is an objective in the Story Mission, It's Not Safe Here in Days Gone


  • In the Western parking lot of Hungry Jim's, Deacon will need to deal with the Rippers that have come to Marion Forks to find the survivor who is hidden around here.
  • 1 Ripper will be limping their way around the parking lot.
  • Another Ripper Sniper can be found on the balcony of the building to the Northwest across the road.
  • More Rippers are searching around the area as well along the road, at the gas station across the road and in other places.
  • Be wary when around the Gas Station because Newts are lurking on the rooftop that can drop down to ambush you.
  • This can lead to more of the Rippers and they will start hunting Deacon.
  • If possible use a Sniper Rifle to get rid of the Sniper.
  • When needed break into the building with the sniper and sneak up behind the Sniper in the building.
  • From there, head over to the East from there, toward the auto shop over the top of the hill.
  • Approach this section carefully, because there is another group of Rippers will start searching the area.
  • From there, head to the West to find the remaining Rippers.
  • They will be along the road nearby the house and in a good size group.
  • Fight through them to clear out the remaining Rippers.
