Clear the Chemult Horde is an objective in Days Gone (DaysGone).

Clear the Chemult Horde is an objective in the Story Mission, You Alone I Have Seen in Days Gone


    • Handling a horde is very tricky and can take a few attempts. Figure out what strategies work for you.
    • Automatic weapons are highly recommended for the rate of fire to start cutting through lines of the Horde where possible.
  • There are supplies to create more Napalm Molotovs, but they can be hard to collect because of the mass of Swarmers coming after Deacon.
  • Before leaving from Kouri, go to the nearby crate and collect the Napalm Molotovs and Remote Bombs that are there to have a full stock of 6.
  • Now it is time to start setting up for dealing with the Horde.
  • Drive down toward the college, stopping outside it, and dismount the motorcycle.
  • Make your way along the Northern part of campus to find the Gas Station.
  • Once there, start heading to the South, onto the campus properly.
  • Watch for the horde to know its approximate location and then start going over to the East along the road, keeping whatever vehicles you can between Deacon and it.
  • Search around the whole of the area to find a good spot to begin the horde encounter.
  • Go to the white building, when it is safe, across from the gas station.
  • This is a potential place to set up for the initiation of the fight with the Horde.
  • Go to the Southern side and start laying down Proximity Bombs at the entrance points along the area.
  • When possible, set the explosives within close range to any red objects, like barrels.
  • Set up a number of bombs, some Proximity and a few Remote (if possible).
  • Climb up onto the top of the white building after that using the truck on the Southern side of the building.
  • After that, throw an Attractor (or Attractor Bomb) down to bring the Horde to you.
  • Quickly switch to the Napalm Molotov and aim for the incoming horde.
  • Let the initial explosions trigger, and detonate your Remote Bombs.
  • Throw the Napalm Molotov onto the Horde as it funnels into the narrow entrance you have in front of you to start taking out the mass of Swarmers.
  • Once the Horde starts reaching the building, you are going to want to start running away from it.
  • Pick off one or two if they get ahead of the horde itself, but start running away to the Northeast.
  • Turn around on the Cargo crates nearby and quickly lob another Napalm Molotov at the Horde that has massed on the rooftop and is chasing you.
  • Run to the South and turn to the West, sprint toward the Big Mountain Travel Center Cafe and the trucks in front of it.
  • Drop a Proximity Bomb or Remote Bomb if you are confident of getting some space and quickly detonate it.
  • Go around the Northern truck and start sprinting to the East, in front of the Travel Center itself.
  • Any time you check on the horde and you can throw the Napalm Molotov into a thick cluster of Swarmers, quickly do so then resume sprinting away.
  • Keep up this circle going along the Northern and Southern side of the road to cluster the Horde and thin it down.
  • Restore the Stamina Cocktail as it expires to keep up the distance from the Horde.
  • Alternate between the 2 kinds of Molotovs as needed, and drop explosives any point you have a lot of distance between the Horde and you.
  • As the Horde thins, start weaving more between the building to get a little extra space so you can properly use your gun to start taking down the remains of it.
  • When the meter is almost gone, switch to your melee weapon to finish it off.
