Florius at the Legion Storehouse in Divinity: Original Sin

Florius is an NPC in Divinity: Original Sin

Can be found at the Cyseal Harbor Warehouse


  • Well, a Source Hunter! A very hearty welcome to our humble warehouse! Have a look around, and don't mind if I pick your brain about the scoop around Andavale - I'm behind on my current affairs!
  • 1. Tell me about yourself.
    • I'll tell ya, this gig sure beats genin' my toes bitten off by zombies out in the field! We warehouse guards don't have to do much apart from stroll the perimeter a few times an hour.
    • And of course, every now and again some friendly folks (like yourself!) will wander through here, and nothing beats a pleasant conversation. Though my comrade Horatius has quite different opinions on THAT matter.
    • 1. And what's Horatius' opinion, exactly?
      • Have you talked to him? Thinks every man, woman, and child who steps foot in this place wants to rob it blind. If I so much as greet a townsperson with a 'Hello' instead of a 'STATE YOUR PURPOSE,' he starts frothing on and on about 'guardly duty' and 'security breaches'.
  • 2. What do you know of current affairs?
    • This Jake business is quite the scandal, no? I myself suspect his wife Esmeralda -and the butcher seconds that, let me tell you.
    • Then again (and you didn't hear this from me), he's going through quite the nasty divorce himself - and there's his children to consider!
    • But I imagine his youngest, Kimberly, won't mind. Never did get on well with her mother ever since 'the incident'...
    • Oh, it's an unparalleled pleasure having a fresh ear around here!
  • 3. Horatius just called you 'Loose-lips McGhee' What's that all about?
    • That fusspot said WHAT? Well, ol' 'Loose-lips' will let that lowly backbiter know what he thinks about that!
  • 4. I'll take my leave.


Cyseal Harbor Warehouse
Cyseal Harbor Warehouse

Related NPCs[edit]
