Baladir is an NPC in Divinity: Original Sin 2

Can be found at the Fort Joy Ghetto, arguing with Saam


Baladir is building a coffin for the love of his life who died, Griet. Saam keeps insulting Griet and hurting Baladir's feeling, so Baladir stabs Saam and kills him.




Narrator - *The man looks for a moment at the corpse at his feet, then turns back toward the nearly-finished coffin, bloodied hammer in hand.*

Sebille - ‘Stand before him in shock. Mutter that he just killed a man in cold blood.*

Baladir - Don't feel too bad. Fella had no decency. If you don't have that, you don't have anything to live for.

Sebille - *Tell him not to fool himself. What he did was inexcusable.’

Narrator - *He nods to you and turns back to his handywork. He lines up another nail and hammers it into the panel.*


Narrator - *The man looks for a moment at the corpse at his feet, then turns back toward the nearly-finished coffin, bloodied hammer in hand.*

The Red Prince - [RED PRINCE] ‘Challenge this disgusting half-breed to a duel. No human strikes down a lizard unpunished.*

Baladir - A duel? Ha! Where do think you are, snake-face? Palace grounds? But if it's a good guttin' you're looking for I’ll be glad to bash in another lizard's brains.


Narrator - *The man looks for a moment at the corpse at his feet, then turns back toward the nearly-finished coffin, bloodied hammer in hand.*

Lohse - *Ask if that coffin he's building is for the man he just murdered.*

Baladir - Murder's a big word. And no. This here’s a bed for someone a thousand times better than that snake. Rest her soul.

Lohse - *Ask him who he means - who’s the coffin meant for?*

Baladir - The love of my life. Griet. She passed in the night - something in the stomach. Doctor couldn't help her.

Narrator - *He tenderly runs a hand along the coffin's side panel.* ^

Baladir - If she were here, she'd tell me this plank is crooked. Chastise me for using warped wood on her final bed. Then she'd laugh and kiss me just here.

Narrator - *The man holds a hand to his cheek fora moment.He turns from you, lines up another nail, and hammers it into the panel.*




Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • There doesn't seem to be a way to prevent Baladir from murdering Saam.
    • You CAN prevent Baladir from murder by attacking him with just Fane/any undead. Focus on Baladir only, once he dies, use play dead to end the fight. However, Saam has been programmed to sprint incredibly fast in a random direction should he live and Baladir die, after 4-5 seconds he vanishes from the game. It is unsure if he can be found anywhere else as it seems they did not prepare for anyone finding a way to save his life, and thus likely has no other dialogue.
  • Baladir will attack you if you try to loot the coffin.


  • "Bleedin' snake..."
  • "What... did you say?"
  • "Leave it, Saam. I won't say it again."
  • "Leave me be, Saam."
  • "I'm gonna give you one more chance to shut that ugly mouth of yours."
  • "I can see what you're up to. Keep your hands to yourself!"
  • "I'll have to deal with it myself!"