Lord Withermoore at the Forgotten Cell beneath the Elf Cave in Fort Joy in Divinity: Original Sin 2.

Lord Withermoore is an NPC in Divinity: Original Sin 2


Lord Withermoore is an undead trapped at the Forgotten Cell beneath the Elf Cave in Fort Joy.





Mody - Go on! Don't be shy - talk to Wither!

Mody - Wither! This is my new friend. She's really smart. You'll like her a lot.

Lord Withermoore - Please, small child. Leave me to my ruminations...

Mody - But - she’s really nice - and tall! Maybe she can even help you with that thing...

Lord Withermoore - Why... a grown friend? You’ve brought an adult here? Good... good gods! Can it be...?


Lord Withermoore - What... what in the world are you? Sebille - *Tell him you're clearly an elf, and he's clearly an idiot.*

Lord Withermoore - Can it be? An elf! Ah, I've been abominably rude. Please - forgive me! I’m so very out of practice. It’s been... so long since I met another living soul. In my day, your kind were most mysterious. I had heard only rumours, had never met an elf myself. I’ve been a cad, and it is so shameful for me to ask, but...

Sebille - *Say he seems rather close with Mody, though. Doesn't he count?*

Lord Withermoore - A child may technically be alive, but... so is a potato, if you understand me. No, Mody cannot help with what I ask...

Sebille - *Ask why he's trapped down here.* Lord Withermoore - A wicked king, it was. Braccus Rex by name. The Order of the Source Hunters discovered a great horror upon this prison isle, and I was sent to stop it. Yet my failure was... absolute. I am not fit to bear the insignia of the Source Hunters any longer. Please, good lady. You must free me! Prise this spear from my chest, where it has been stuck fast the last thousand years.


Lord Withermoore - You! Tell me true: Stand you with the Source Hunters, or do you serve the tyrant Braccus Rex?

Ifan Ben-Mezd - *Tell him you are in neither camp, and quickly bring him up to speed on the last thousand year s of history. * Lord Withermoore - A thousand years? Gods, the walls of this pit have leeched a whole millennium from me. I haven’t seen a living soul in all that time. What a strange notion... Ifan Ben-Mezd - *Ask why he's trapped down here.*

Lord Withermoore - A wicked king, it was. Braccus Rex by name. The Order of the Source Hunters discovered a great horror upon this prison isle, and I was sent to stop it. Yet my failure was... absolute. I am not fit to bear the insignia of the Source Hunters any longer. Please, good sir. You must free me! Prise this spear from my chest, where it has been stuck fast the last thousand years. Seize the spear! End this degradation -I beg you!


Lord Withermoore - What... what in the world are you?

Sebille - *Ask him to tell you what he is first.*

Lord Withermoore - A fair question. My name is Withermoore. I have been trapped here... I know not how long. Long enough that my flesh has long since withered to dust. Long enough that your visage is... quite foreign to me.

Sebille - *Ask why he's trapped down here.*

Lord Withermoore - A wicked king, it was. Braccus Rex by name. The Order of the Source Hunters discovered a great horror upon this prison isle, and I was sent to stop it. Yet my failure was... absolute. I am not fit to bear the insignia of the Source Hunters any longer. Please, good lady. You must free me! Prise this spear from my chest, where it has been stuck fast the last thousand years.

Sebille - [SEBILLE] *Say you can imagine his torment all too well, but would it be wise to free an undead?*

Lord Withermoore -I will not harm you, never! So if you can truly imagine my torment, I swear upon my mother's long- crumbled grave, I'll help you if you free me. Freedom for freedom. Seize the spear! End this degradation -I beg you!


Lord Withermoore - Good sir, you have set my body free. Free to crumble to dust, at last. But my spirit-blast! I remain trapped in this mouldering skeleton yet!

The Red Prince - [SCHOLAR] *Say there must be strong magic at play here. *

Lord Withermoore -I have heard of such magic but have never known anyone so foul as to employ it. Braccus Rex, may maggots lace his entrails! After he interred me in this cell, he must have drawn my very soul away from me and stored it elsewhere in the fort. Thus he has bound me entirely to the mundane realm. But I know this place well. I could lead you to its likely location. In turn, you would find a path straight out of this fort! My freedom for yours - what say you?

The Red Prince - * Accept the exchange.*

Lord Withermoore - Marvelous, my friend-marvelous! You'll first have to get inside the fort itself. There’s a secret switch on a statue of the Seven in the courtyard-surely you know it? The switch will open a hatch, and you’ll be led into to the prison's main floor. I suspect that within Braccus' Phylacteiy Room will you find the container which ensnares my soul. He has likely disguised it well, but search there for Lanother hidden switch. Braccus would have made me a supplicant, a slave to these walls. With your help, I'll die - at last! - with dignity.

The Red Prince - *Ask him how he knows where his soul is kept.*

Lord Withermoore -1 was fully briefed about this awful place before I came. My goal was to destroy the fiend who had been marshalling the world's most unwholesome weapons and magic into an army he intended to use against the realm. I never thought I would become one of his victims. And yet, here lam...

The Red Prince - *Ask if there's anything more he can tell you about this island.*

Lord Withermoore - Fort Joy is a dangerous place, my friend. Dangerous indeed. Braccus used this place to build an arsenal of terrible weaponry as yet unseen in our world. Here he and his researchers crafted punishments and snares contrary to human dignity. Objects that could contain souls, wands that could purge the very essence from Sourcerers. My order would never have used such barbaric magic against our enemies.


Lord Withermoore - Good madam, you have set my body free. Free to crumble to dust, at last. But my spirit-blast! I remain trapped in this mouldering skeleton yet!

Sebille - *Ask him to tell you again exactly what you're (looking for.*

Lord Withermoore - You'll first have to get inside the prison itself. There's a secret switch on a statue of the Seven in the courtyard-surely you know it? The switch will open a hatch, and you'll be led into to the prison's main floor. I suspect that within Braccus' Phylactery Room will you find the container which ensnares my soul. He has likely disguised it well, but search there for another hidden switch. Braccus would have made me a supplicant, a slave to these walls. With your help, I’ll die - at last! - with dignity.



Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • Mody leads you to Lord Withermoore if you play hide and seek with him, but you can also find Lord Withermoore on your own without Mody's help.
  • Interact with the Spear of Braccus Rex to free Lord Withermoore
    • Some characters may be too weak to pull the spear out. Try different characters. For example, Sebille and Ifan ben-Mezd might not be able to pull the spear out, but The Red Prince should be able to easily.
  • You may also attack the spear and destroy it if you do not have a character available who is strong enough to pull it out.
  • You cannot trade with Lord Withermoore


  • "HELP! Help me, please!"
  • "You're back. And you brought... but... but who's this?"