Razor the Lightning Revenant - a Hero in Dota 2

Razor the Lightning Revenant is one of the Heroes in Dota 2

Basic Info[edit]

Name: Razor

Nickname: None

Abbreviation: None

Class: Lightning Revenant

Attack Type: Melee

Main Attribute: Agility (AGI)

Faction: Dire


Plasma Field

Static Link

Unstable Current

Eye of the Storm


Farmer, Disabler, Brawler, Carry, Durable, Semi-Carry, Glass Cannon

Base Stats[edit]

STR: 21 + 1.7

AGI: 22 + 2

INT: 19 + 1.8

HP: 549

Armor: 2.08

EHP: 617

Mana: 247

Range: 475

Missile Speed: 2000

Movement: 295

Damage: 45-47

Sight (Day/Night): 1800/800

Suggested Items[edit]

See: Recommended Items for Lightning Revenant