To Franny is a Holotape in Fallout 4.


Franny, it's me. I'm at the Grand. In our old suite. 485130. That's the key to the safe room they installed in case of... in case of the bombs... Franny, I need you to come quick. I-I don't know when they'll be coming for me, so I prepped the boat in case we need to make a rapid exit. But I... I can't be a part of this. Nuclear war. I won't do it, and I'm not gonna let anyone else use my submarine to blow up the damn world. Please, Franny. I need you here. If this is the end, let's spend it together.


Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • This a holotape record from Arnold Wabash to his mistress Franny Richardson. They were in the safe room together but she betrayed him and shot him to get the nuclear launch codes he possessed. Arnold had recently sabotaged the USS Democracy so it would be unable to leave its base.