The Showdown Loading Screen in Fortnite BR.

"Showdown" is one of the Loading Screens in Fortnite Battle Royale.


Showdown features Carbide, Valor, Venturion, Steelsight, and Squad Leader fighting against the evil Omega, Flytrap, and a bunch of Chromiums and Diecasts.

The setting for this battle is at the destroyed part of Tilted Towers.

How to get[edit]

Complete all of the Weekly Challenges of any five weeks in Season 4.

That will complete the fifth Blockbuster Challenge and unlock the Showdown Loading Screen.

Battlestar Location[edit]

The free week 5 star is on top of the big Crab Structure south of Moisty Mire. See below for more info:



  • This loading screen continues the storyline from the Retribution loading screen.

Also see[edit]