The Twitch Prime Pack Slipstream Glider in Fortnite BR. Available for free for Amazon Prime/Twitch Prime members.

Slipstream is the name of one of the Gliders in Fortnite Battle Royale.

Part of the Twitch Prime Pack.


Leave a wake of destructions.

(Twitch Prime Pack)

How to get[edit]

This glider is part of a special free loot promotion between Fortnite Battle Royale and

To get it, you must be a Twitch Prime Member.

Twitch Prime is available for free for all Amazon Prime subscribers.

If you are not currently subscribed to Amazon Prime, you can join and become a Twitch Prime Member to get this Glider.

To redeem, go to and follow the instructions to link your Epic account to your Twitch Prime account.


FREE for Twitch Prime members.



  • Once you've linked your Twitch Prime and Epic account, the new loot should appear in your Locker

Twitch Prime Pack 1[edit]

Twitch Prime Pack 2[edit]

See also[edit]