java.update() is a coffeeshop in Los Santos
It is a reference to Java (the coffee bean) and Java (Programming language)
Their signage combines both in a clever way, for example:
package java.cappuccino; import java.shot.milk.foam; Public class Breakfast extends Meal { Private double espresso
private int bread; private int bacon;
public void sandwich () { bread = 2; bacon = 2; return bread + bacon; }
The written code would not compile. The correct may be:
public int sandwich () { bread = 2; bacon = 2; return bread + bacon; }
A better solution, that would compile could be this:
public Sandwich makeSandwich() { Bread bread = new Bread(2); Bacon bacon = new Bacon(2); return new Sandwich(bread, bacon); }
You can find this shop on Boulevard Del Perro