Race the cars

"Race the cars" is an objective in the story mission I Fought The Law ... in Grand Theft Auto V.


The trustfund kids are very quick to take up the challenge offered by Franklin. You do not need to really worry about placing anywhere in the race. It is much more just a matter of keeping up. You will also have your chances to get on through the optional objectives before too long once the race start. Just floor it, keep the car in your control and try to keep up with the kids. Just a ways down the road you will find your first optional objective:

Tight Squeeze

The targets will duck between the 2 trucks and you have the option to follow them. After that just keep control of the car and keep up with the targets. If you start having trouble controlling the car, then use Franklin's Special Ability.

A while later you will find the second passing challenge of the race:

Bus Passed

Go between these two buses to keep up a good pace against the kids. After that you just need to keep the race going until Franklin gives Michael a call.