A Rhino Tank firing in Grand Theft Auto 5

The Rhino Tank is an armored military Tank in Grand Theft Auto V, modeled loosely on the M1A2 Abrams tank. Its treads can crush any vehicle below the front of the tank, either flattening it, disabling it or exploding. The cannon is functional and can be rotated in the same way you'd rotate the camera, however it can also be used as a battering ram and can forcefully fling vehicles away if the driver is skilled enough. Despite appearances however, the tank isn't invincible and its wheels are susceptible to spike strips and being set on fire. Players should note that if one of the rear wheels is alight, it's highly likely you will explode shortly after unless you put it out with a body of water. In the event you do lose your Rhino and you either bought it or had previously saved it, it will respawn at the characters' hangar.


Top Speed 3 / 10
Braking 0.5 / 10
Acceleration 2.5 / 10
Traction 7.5 / 10

Police Chase tactics[edit]

Inevitably after a short while in the Rhino, you're bound to do something that will attract law enforcement. That being said, you have a number of options to deal with them, however given the Rhino's top speed, evading them isn't high on that list. Typically, police units that approach from the front will slide in front of you, leaving you free to simply drive over them. Typically this crushes their front end and leaves them unable to pursue, or at the very least, completely disables their steering. Units which tail you often get too close to your rear, so slamming on the brake will send them flying into the back of you, also crushing their front end. You'll have to mind the spike strips, as despite the presence of treads, the wheels can still be popped. Helicopters can be taken down relatively easily as long as they stay within your cone of aim. At higher wanted levels they may actively avoid your turret. Police SUV's can be bashed out of the way with the body or the turret, the latter sometimes producing spectacular shows of aerobatics from the target cars.

How to get[edit]

This tank can be purchased from Warstock Cache & Carry

Will appear in your characters' hangar after purchase. Alternatively you can attempt to steal one from Fort Zancudo however if you have the money for it, it's far safer to purchase it outright.