A Knowledge Stone in No Man Sky (NMS)

The Knowledge Stone is an interactable object in No Man's Sky.


Knowledge Stone



A stone that teaches you a word in an alien language.


  • Interact

Interaction Results[edit]

Learn new word in alien language

For example:

"You have learned the Vy'keen word for 'Unacceptable'"


Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • Each stone can only teach you one word.
  • Stones are randomly found on planets, usually near other waypoints
  • Monoliths and other alien structures will often have one or more knowledge stones near them
  • The word you learn corresponds to the race of the star system you are in.
  • You will learn a word from either the Korvax, Vykeen, or Gek language.
  • If the alien says the word you learned in a dialog, that word will not be blurred/garbled like other words you have not learned yet.
  • It would take a very long time, if not impossible, to learn all the words in all the languages.