Passenger Train Station in SimCity

The Passenger Train Station is in the Mass Transit Menu, in the Trains Submenu.

The Passenger Train Station carries workers, shoppers, and tourists from the region.

The Passenger Train Station must be plopped on Heavy Rail Tracks. It will also need to be connected to the road, so choose a spot along the rail near a road.

Remember, you need to connect the station to your roads. The Passenger Train Station has a short road connection. Draw a road from this to existing roads to provide power, water, and workers to the train station.

Ingame Description[edit]

All aboard! Plop this station along rail tracks to service Trains from the region. Passenger Trains bring commuters and shoppers from cities connected by train plus low and medium wealth tourists from the region.

Train Capacity[edit]

500 Sims


Town Hall in the region

Town Hall upgraded to City Hall in the region

Department of Transportation in the region.



