A Police Station in SimCity 5

Order must be preserved to keep your residents safe and happy. Rampant crime deteriorates your city’s image and value over time. Build a Police Station to cut down on crime and make your residents feel more safe and secure.

Select your preferred structure and move your cursor over the map. As you survey a suitable location, the roads around your building cursor are highlighted to indicate the law enforcement structure’s coverage area. Once you are satisfied with the location, left-click to place the building.

A Police Station can only protect a limited area, and as your city grows, the long arm of the law should extend to all residents in your city. Place additionalPolice Stations or add more patrol car lots to an existing Station to increase your police presence within the city. As your police force grows, your law enforcement agencies can even provide limited coverage to neighboring cities.

Police Stats[edit]

While the Police menu is open, use the Info tab to view different important stats. The displayed gauge shows your overall police efficiency, while the numbers next to that show jail capacity and how many Simoleons per hour your law enforcement is costing you.

Police Maps[edit]

While on the Police menu, use the Data Maps tab to open a new data layer. Crime Map View areas where there is crime activity and where your police services are covered. Use this map to move your police services to high-level crime areas.