Cledwyn handing a towel to Geralt in the Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Cledwyn is an NPC in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.


You encounter Cledwyn at the Guest Room of the Royal Palace in Vizima

Cledwyn shaves Geralt's beard in preparation for his audience with Emperor Emhyr.


Royal Palace in Vizima
Royal Palace


Guest Room
Guest Room

Associated Quests[edit]

Imperial Audience
Imperial Audience


Palace Map
Palace Map


Cledwyn: Tilt your head back, please. and sit still.

Morvran Voorhis: And prepare to answer some questions.

Chamberlain: General, I am no certain this is the appropriate time.

Morvran Voorhis: I can't think of a better time. Men turn honest when they feel a blade at their throat. Morvran Voorhis, Commander of the Alba Division. Before they take you in to see the emperor, witcher, there's some information I need you to verify. It's a formality, but one that must be seen to.

Geralt: Sure. Paperwork's gotta be in order.


  • "The gentleman must sit still. I am almost done."


  • Morvran Voorhis interviews Geralt while being shaved, explaining that "men turn honest when they feel a blade at their throat"

See also[edit]

Emhyr's Chamberlain
Emhyr's Chamberlain
Morvran Voorhis
Morvran Voorhis