Link fighting a Red Bokoblin in the Great Plateau in LoZ: BotW.

The Bokoblin is an enemy in the game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.


Bokoblins are a short monster with large ears and big blue eyes.


Bokoblins tend to live in camps with others of the kind, Moblins, and occasionally Lizalfos. They interact with the camp friends and they attack Link when they notice him. They sleep at night, and can be snuck up on and killed silently while asleep. Most of the time there is a bokoblin who does not sleep and keeps lookout. These will blow horns to alert the whole camp, who will fight link or search for him if they cannot see him.

Bokoblins also hunt for meat sometimes, as well as fighting adventurers. Unless link intervenes, they will always win these fights.


  • The Bokoblin also appeared in previous games of the series such as Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword.
  • They vary in strength and health usually denoted by their color, red being the weakest, blue being stronger, and black being the strongest.