The Oman Au Shrine in LoZ: BotW. The Remote Bomb Rune is here.

The Oman Au Shrine (or "Shrine Oman Au") is a Shrine of Trials in the game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.



Link gets sent here by the Old Man after speaking with him at the Great Plateau Tower. The Old Man wants Link to retrieve some treasure from inside, and in exchange the Old Man will give Link his own Paraglider





Strategy Guide/Tips

  • This is a Shrine of Trials, one of 4 shrines with a special function. It is one of the first shrine you encounter in the game.
  • Shrines act as the game's dungeons.
  • There are 120 shrines in this game.


  • To the one who sets foot in this shrine... I am Oman Au. In the name of Goddess Hylia, I offer this trial."