Jeopardy is a Mission in Cyberpunk 2077 (Cyberpunk2077).

Jeopardy is a Gig in Cyberpunk 2077.


  • Gig Type: Search and Recover
  • Objective: Shard with daemon program
  • Location: La Catrina Crematorium, intersection of Phalarope and Plover St.
  • Details:

I'd like you to commit a minor transgression against God and His people - disturbing the dead from their eternal rest.

Deceased name is Jim Greyer. He smuggled unstable shards by slotting them inside his head. Sadly, during his last transit things went sideways. The Daemon got out of its cage and barbecued his brain. Jim Greyer ended up in the La Catrina funeral home along with my client's shard.

Go to La Catrina, find Greyer's body and get that shard before it's burnt to cinders. FYI - the crematorium's cozy with the Valentinos. That's where they get rid of their bodies. One wrong move and you'll end up there too.





  • €3100
  • 565 xp
  • ???? Street Cred

Video Walkthrough

Jeopardy Video Walkthrough