The Magician in Destiny 2.

The Magician is an Bounty in Destiny 2.


Now we turn our eyes to the future.

Collect metaphysical samples from the defeated combatants on Io. Complete the strike, "The Pyramidion."

  • Vex Sample: 0/9
  • Taken Samples: 0/9
  • Cabal Samples: 0/9

Walkthrough - 4/5/2019

  • Travel to Io to begin the process of collecting the needed samples.
  • Running the strike will easily take care of most, if not all, of the Taken and Vex.
  • Participate in the Cabal Public Events to quickly gather the needed samples.
  • With the strike and the public events completed, travel to the Mystery and Potential found just under the Reckoning in the Gambit directory.
  • You will appear on a massive version of the Drifter's jade token.
  • Climb up to the top to encounter the Emissary and hear the conversation between them and the Nine.

The Magician Video Walkthrough

The Magician Video Walkthrough