Fortnite Battle Royale: Ring the doorbell of a house with an opponent inside

From Orcz
Ring the doorbell of a house with an opponent inside in Fortnite BR.

"Ring the doorbell of a house with an opponent inside (hard)" is a Weekly Challenge in Fortnite Battle Royale.

For this challenge, you have to ring the doorbells of 5 houses while an opponent is inside those house.


Go to the front door of houses where you think an opponent might be inside, and ring the doorbell.

Doorbell locations

Most houses in Fortnite have doorbells next to the front door.


Strategy Guide/Tips

  • Some houses, especially smaller ones, might not have doorbells.
  • Land in a town where other players are landing and ring the doorbell of any house you see players going into for loot.
    • Alternatively, you can just ring the doorbell of all houses and if you are lucky there was an enemy inside.
  • Locations such as Pleasant Park or Greasy Grove, which have a lot of homes, are ideal candidates for this challenge.