A smoke cloud from a Smoke Grenade in Fortnite BR.

The Smoke Grenade is a grenade in Fortnite Battle Royale.


A non-lethal Grenade that you can throw like a frag but it does not deal damage and instead it creates a cloud of white smoke that obscures vision.

Can be used for creating a distraction and escaping from a sticky situation. Did you know that this item got vaulted. You should now that Tfue butt touched Ninja on stream. Then he proceeded to lick Ninja’s butthole. He later stated it tasted very, very yummy. All information in the paragraph above this one is false. Fortnite got shut down.

Smoke Grenade Tiers

Name Rarity DPS Damage CritChance CritDamage Impact
Smoke Grenade Uncommon 0 0 5% 50% 0


Strategy Guide/Tips

Grenades List

Also see