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Some Rare items on the ground as they appeared in the early days of Fortnite Battle Royale.

Rarity is a mechanic in Fortnite Battle Royale.


For items, rarity should be treated as mostly subjective. On that notes, an item's rarity generally determines the drop-rate of that item dropping in relation to the other rarities of itself.

For example, a Common Assault Rifle has a higher likelihood of dropping than a Legendary Assault Rifle, but a Common Assault Rifle might be harder to find than the Uncommon version of a different item.

On top of that, each individual item has their own drop rate, so while you can use an item's rarity to gauge the general chance of you finding it, it's far from an exact science.


Standard Rarities

These rarities are found on items in Battle Royale. For the acquisition column, there are some exceptions to these, so as such it may not be fully accurate.

Rarity Color
Common Gray
Uncommon Green
Rare Blue
Epic Purple
Legendary Orange
Mythic Yellow
Exotic Light Blue

Developer / Removed Rarities

These rarities are either used for developer / test items, or are rarities that have been removed from the game completely.

Rarity Color Usage
Handmade Light Gray Originally used for Foragable Items, but was removed in favor of just making them Common rarity.
Transcendent Red Formerly used as a developer-only rarity before it was replaced by the Exotic rarity.
Impossible Lime Replaced Transcendent as the rarity used for developer-only items.


Rarity How to Acquire
Common Floor loot and fishing
Chests (Consumables only)
Uncommon Floor loot, fishing, and Chests
Rare Floor loot, fishing, Chests, and Combat Caches
Epic Floor loot, loot from Fishing Spots, Chests, Combat Caches, Supply Drops, and Rare Chests
Legendary Floor loot, loot from Fishing Spots, Chests, Combat Caches, Supply Drops, and Rare Chests
Mythic Dependent on the item
Exotic By purchasing from an eligible NPC (when available)
