"Solve the puzzle" is a mission objective in Sequence 13 / Memory 04: Raising the Dead
When you make into the Northern room, head over to the Specter just to the West of where you entered. You will begin the puzzle here.
Clue - In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Head from the specter over the ledge nearby where you see the Oil Jar. just below the Jar is a Brazier you can interact with. Light it to reveal this clue. This tells you the order in which to light the braziers.
Go to the South from the first brazier. In this case, you can swim over there as there is an Oil Jar to refill the spoiled oil. Light your Lantern
Turn to the West from the Southern Brazier. Hop onto the wooden plank to get over to the Southwestern landing. Turn to the North and head over to the Western Brazier. Interact with it to light it.
Finally, return to the Southern Brazier. Head over to the East Brazier. Light this brazier to finish this puzzle.