If you're gonna beat me up, just get it over with already. <Danny - Interact - Activate>
It's a living. <Danny - Interact - Activate>
I hate Hyperion as much as anybody -- I just don't wanna starve. <Danny - Interact - Activate>
Don't worry -- I pirated all these broadcasts. Hyperion ain't making a dime off my sales. <Danny - Interact - Activate>
I'm not leaving my stand. If anybody wants to try and burn this thing down, I'm goin' down with it. <Danny - Interact - Activate>
Enjoy your propaganda! <Danny - Interact - BuyIssue>
There's always money in the news stand! <Danny - Interact - BuyIssue>
Thanks for the coin! <Danny - Interact - BuyIssue>
Woah, someone actually bought one? <Danny - Interact - BuyIssue>
Yes! Soon I'll be selling half-DOZENS of these babies! <Danny - Interact - BuyIssue>
Thanks! <Danny - Interact - BuyIssue>
Remember to check back for new issues! <Danny - Interact - BuyIssue>
And they told me pirating Hyperion broadcasts wouldn't pay! <Danny - Interact - BuyIssue>
Extra! Extra! Grab the new edition of This Just In with Hunter Hellquist! <Danny - Interact - Heals - You>
Know your enemy! Get the new copy of This Just In from Hyperion Truth Broadcasting! <Danny - Interact - Heals - You>
This Just In, hot off the ECHO presses! Get your new edition today! <Danny - Interact - Heals - You>
All the news that's fit to lie about! Get the new issue of This Just In! <Danny - Interact - Heals - You>
We got a new issue of This Just In! Hear all about the brave Vault Hunters and their quest to take down Handsome Jack! <Danny - Interact - Heals - You>
New issue of This Just In! It's propagan-tastic! <Danny - Interact - Heals - You>
Get your new edition of This Just In! Now with two hundred percent more libel! <Danny - Interact - Heals - You>
It may be a load of crap, but hell if it isn't entertaining! Get your new issue of This Just In! <Danny - Interact - Heals - You>