Get to W4R-D3N

"Get to W4R-D3N" is an objective in the Story Mission A Dam Fine Rescue in Borderlands 2


You are now on the Bloodshot Ramparts. Things are not going to get any easier. You need to fight your way on through the whole of the ramparts to get at the W4R-D3N and rescue Roland from him else he is shipped off to the Friendship Gulag.

Hit the Vending Machines to quickly restock then jump down to the street and join in the fray between the Bandits and the Loaders. A corrosive weapon is all but mandatory here as there a lot of Loaders as well as the boss requires it to defeat him in a timely fashion. You will mostly deal with GUN Loaders with the occasional EXP Loader. If there are EXP Loaders, deal with them first. They will charge you and explode after a short countdown. They emit an electrical field showing the range of the blast. Get beyond that and you should be fine.

Head to the North and through the first archway. You will find a neon sign pointing to the right. Follow it, dealing with the Marauders and the Loaders that appear in front of you. Fight on through to the next clearing. There you will find a large number of bandits and more Loaders to destroy. You can just ignore them and run to the Northeastern part of the the dam. Just kill what gets in your way and keep up a good pace toward Roland.

Just keep moving to the North and fighting. Try to run as much as you can to avoid the worse of it. This is especially true if you do not have a Corrosive weapon. Kill what you can and just move. Check the loot and try to find one though. When you reach the big gate, head to the East and start in the big circle around to where the W4R-D3N has Roland. Just run on through as the Bots can't keep up. Go around the corner to engage the W4R-D3N itself.

Next Objective[edit]

Kill W4R-D3N