Rough Rider is one of Nisha's skills in Borderlands: The Presequel (BL:TPS)

Rough Rider is a skill in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

It is one of Nisha the Lawbringer's skills.

Rough Rider belongs to Nisha's Law and Order Skill Tree.

Rough Rider has 1 ranks (you can spend up to 1 points on it)




Slam Augment.
Your Slam attack's damage is increased by 25%. Dealing damage with Slam grants you 5 Order stacks per enemy damaged. This skill also raises your Order Stack Cap by 5. eeeeeeee-haw!

Effects per rank[edit]

(Skill has only 1 rank)

Strategy Guide/Tips/Tricks[edit]

  • Good skill if you like using slam