Safety First is one of Claptrap's skills in Borderlands: The Presequel (BL:TPS)

Safety First is a skill in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

It is one of Claptrap the Fragtrap's skills.

Safety First belongs to Claptrap's Fragmented Fragtrap Skill Tree.

Safety First has 1 ranks (you can spend up to 1 points on it)




Defensive Subroutines
You randomly pick a Subroutine focused on either Health or Shields, which grants increased capacity and regeneration for the chosen attribute. The catch? You deal reduced damage with all gun types. Upon selecting a subroutine, you gain 100 Frag stacks, which decrease over time. When you run out of Frag stacks, your subroutine will be replaced with a new one

Effects per rank[edit]

Capacity +35%
regenerates 2.5% of max attribute/sec
Gun damage -15%

Strategy Guide/Tips/Tricks[edit]

  • Good defensive skill, but decreases your damage