The Ocean is one of the terrain types in Civ 6

Oceans are a type of terrain tile in Civ VI


The deep waters of the oceans scared mankind for much of history, braved only by the likes of the Polynesians and Vikings. But, once Europeans began sailing across them and colonizing everything, the world began to shrink ... until today, when people cross them without trepidation.


  • Water


  • +1 Food

Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  • Embarking Land Units: At the start of the game, your land units cannot enter any water tiles . However, once you’ve learned the Sailing technology, Builders will be able to move into coastal water tiles–after Shipbuilding, all units will be able to embark . To embark a unit, order the unit to move out into the water just as you would on land . All movement points are used by a land unit when embarking (except when playing as Norway, or when embarking from a Coastal City or Harbor District).
  • Norway is good Civ to choose to dominate the Ocean.