Bill "The Grey Fox" Miner in Days Gone (DaysGone).

Bill "The Grey Fox" Miner is a Historical Marker in Days Gone.


Bill "The Grey Fox" Miner is also known as Oregeon's Worst Bandit.

Historical marker found in Chemult in the Highway 97 Corridor.

Bill "the Grey Fox" Miner (1847 - 1913) is a noted American criminal known as one of the worst outlaws of his time. After every attempted heist in his life, he was almost always caught afterward, and he spent 34 of his 66 years alive in prison. Originally a stagecoach robber, the Grey Fox decided to switch to train robbery after their invention made his previous job obsolete. His first train robbery was a disaster, and it was here at Chemult Station that he was captred and sent to prison. The Grey Fox was known for his polite banditry, and is purported to be the originator of the phrase, "Hands up!"



Video Walkthrough[edit]

Bill "The Grey Fox" Miner Video Walkthrough