Queen's Favor is a Reputation that can be gained in Destiny.

"Annihilate the enemies of the Reef."

Queen's Favor is gained by completing The Queen's Bounties.

You can gain more Queen's Favor by turning in the Bounties with Queen's Gear. With Class Item, Emblem, Gun and Shader, the Bounty's Reputation gain is nearly doubled.

With that setup a 50 Favor Bounty turns in for 99 Favor.

Leveling Up[edit]

Rank 1:

Destiny Queens Favor1.jpg


Unlocks Queen's Emblems and Shaders. Provide a stacking 10% boost to future Favor gains.

Rank 2:

Destiny Queens Favor2.jpg


Unlock Class Armor items. Provide 10% stacking boost to future Favor gains.

Unlocks Rare Primary weapons.

Rank 3:

Destiny Queens Favor3.jpg


Unlocks Rare Weapons. Unlocks additional shaders and Emblems