Decryption Core Repaired in Destiny 2: Divine Fragmentation.

Decryption Core Repairedis a Quest Step in Destiny 2: Divine Fragmentation added in Destiny 2: Shadowkeep.


"I had to dig deep into the encrypted Vex data to find anything regarding the Core. I didn't find much - only that it's designed for decryption of something and that its origin lies in the Sol Divisive Vex. I couldn't learn anything further. It's broken and its data is largely corrupted. We might be able to repair if we had access to Sol Divisive parts." - Ghost


  • When this quest was released, it would have been trivial to find all the Vex kills you needed by participating in the Vex Offensive seasonal activity.
  • As of 2023, there is only one way to do is: enter the Garden of Salvation.
  • Just the entrance encounter is fairly managable, but it is still a bit overwhelming.
