Calcified Fragment 12 in Ghosts of the Deep.

The Calcified Fragment 12 Collectible in Ghosts of the Deep


Calcified Fragment 12[edit]

    • This Calcified Fragment can only be claimed AFTER defeating the final boss.
  • To get here, face Oryx's chest, so you have the final chest in front of you.
  • Go over to the left and through the top pressure gate.
  • Pass through the underwater section through to the area behind it.
  • Getting through to here, go to the back left section.
  • You will find a Circle and the Taken King Symbol.
  • Line them up to reveal a hidden passage.
  • Go forward and duck through the narrow opening.
  • Slip through the narrow opening into the cave behind it.
  • Once here, go to the back.
  • Go to the right and over to the right.
  • Jump up onto the ledge and find the Calcified Fragment on there.