The Rooster is an animal in Divinity: Original Sin

You can find a Rooster at the market of Cyseal City. Gerome is painting a portrait of it.


The below dialog appears if you talk to the Rooster at the market with a character who has Pet Pal:

  • SQUAWK* Don't talk to me! You're making me lose focus!
  • 1. What are you doing here?
    • Can't you see I'm busy modelling? Obviously SOMEONE'S plumage isn't magnificent enough to inspire genius.
    • All those naysayers in the past- BAH! See what I've become! Hundreds of years from now, people will wonder: 'Who IS that cock? It must have been a grand cock - so inspired!"
  • 2. I'll take my leave.


  • If you talk to the Rooster using a character without Pet Pal, it just goes "Cocorico!"
  • There is another Rooster that gives you a hint about Bertia's missing sheep for the quest Little Bo Bertia Lost Her Sheep: "‘Cluck cluck!* Bertia' sheep is gone, gone, gone! Think it vanished through one of them swirly shrines?"