Talk to Sergeant Firion, one of the quest tasks in Cast Adrift

"Talk to Sergeant Firio" is a quest objective/task in the quest Cast Adrift in The Elder Scrolls Online


Now I've found everyone in Sergeant Firion's squad.


Cast Adrift


Shattered Shoals - Khenarthi's Roost (Elsweyr)


Head to the West and out of the Cave. There you will find Sergeant Firion waiting for you. Approach and talk with her.



Turns out my squad were the ones who found me. Ever consider a career as a Dominion marine? you'd make quite the scout.

My squad said you were looking for Lieutenant Gelin. Have you found him?

I found his body in the cave. Someone killed him.[edit]

What do you mean?

It looked like he was killed in some kind of ritual.[edit]

First a hurricane blows out of nowhere and destroys our fleet. Then an able-bodies Aldmeri Dominion marine is captured and tortured to death?

What else was in that cave?

Lots of bones, candles, and snakes. Also, wooden posts.[edit]

Some kind of sacrifice? This is too big for my squad to handle. We need reinforcements.

Nistel spotted a beached ship nearby. It looks intact, and she spotted Dominion sailors aboard.

What do you want me to do?[edit]

We need to combine our forces and find who murdered Lieutenant Gelin]. my squad and I need to pull hsi body out of that damned cave.

Would you warn the sailors of the beached ship? They need to know it's not safe to wander around.

I'll warn them.[edit]

Good. The squad's wounds are slowing them down, but we'll be along shortly.
