Talk with Sings-with-Reed, one of the quest tasks in The Coral Heart

"Talk with Sings-with-Reed" is a quest objective/task in the quest The Coral Heart in The Elder Scrolls Online



The Coral Heart


Vivec's Antlers - Stonefalls (Morrowind)


Head just down the hill. Sings-with-Reed is very close by. Approach and talk with her to get more details on your assignment.



Quietly! The enemy abounds. What do you seek?

What's the Covenant after here?[edit]

Long ago, a magical artifact imprisoned Sadal the Brother of Strife. That artifact's become the heart of the coral.

That's what the Covenant is after. Alexandra Conele wants it, and she is without mercy.

So Conele wants to unleash a Brother of Strife?[edit]

Just so. The Brothers of Strife are destruction incarnate: flaming fury, crushing all in their path. They cannot be controlled or channeled, only imprisoned.

Ebonheart is near, and Conele would like it burned to the ground. We have to stop her.

How do we do that?[edit]

The coral summoned Dreugh to defend itself. The coral thinks and reasons. We must ally ourselves with it. If we show it we're peaceaful, it will turn the Dreugh against our enemies.

I'm still working on how to do that.

