EU IV Province Interface

The Province Interface provides you a great deal of information. Many tasks are accessible here, even some typically handled through other interfaces, such as constructing buildings and raising military forces. There are also a few decisions which require you to consider matters on the Province Level.

To access the Province Interface, simply click on any province on the map. Here you can consider the province’s military status, including its manpower, supply limits, and its maximum attrition levels. You can also view the trade values of the province, and from the Buildings Tab, at the bottom left, you can consider the Tax, Tariff, Production, and Trade values of the province. This is very useful information, especially if you wish to understand the economic value of each of your provinces.

Here you can also see which countries have claims on the province, whether they are real claims, which are decorated with a gold border, or merely temporary and likely forged claims, which are decorated in green.

Note that you yourself can lay a permanent claim on any provinces you’ve recently colonized or conquered. You can also add or remove the province from the Holy Roman Empire, or attempt to convert to your State Religion the filthy heathens who are dirtying up the place. You can even convert the locals to your state culture – and crush potential rebels under your iron boot.

From the Province Interface you can also raise troops and purchase buildings, and consider the connections between that province and its Trade Node. Finally, at the top of the Province Interface you can click on and customize the name of the Province, renaming it whatever name you would like. You can also move your Capital to the province for a small Administrative Power fee, and even view the local history of the province, where you will learn the history of its rule, when improvements were constructed, and what famous personages were born there.