A Gladiator in Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn

The Gladiator is a Class in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

It is one of the classes available to you during Character Creation

Starting city-state[edit]



This is the class that becomes the noble and righteous Paladin, and as such has it's roots firmly placed into defense.


The Gist of this class is cooldown. Easily one of the better designed combat classes. Of the 15 abilities, only 6 of them are not substantial cooldowns. 1 of those remaining 6 abilities is an AoE threat builder, since the Gladiator is a tank. Another is a second stun. Those remaining 4 abilities - Fast Blade, Savage Blade, Riot Blade, and Rage of the Halone - each of these abilities can be used in different orders to unleash different effects, ranging from MP restoration, Strength debuffing or just increased damage.

Traits will increase the duration or potency of the cooldowns.


With a Shield in hand, the Gladiator acts as both DPS and Tank, fulfilling 2 pieces of the holy trinity.

External links[edit]

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Gladiator Class Skills (Video)